Under the 1964 Civil Rights Act, it is unlawful to discriminate against individuals in the workplace based on color, race, religion, sex, or national origin. Unfortunately, instances of workplace discrimination continue to occur periodically, creating a great deal of problems.
Workplace discrimination has the potential to extensively disrupt the workplace, as well as damage the reputation of the business. It can also disrupt the financial stability and peace of mind of employees.
Types of Workplace Discrimination
Workplace discrimination comes in many forms. These include discrimination based on age, gender, race, ethnicity, skin color, national origin, cognitive or physical disability, genetic information, relationship to someone who may be discriminated against, and pregnancy or parenthood.
Examples of Workplace Discrimination
Some real-life examples of workplace discrimination that can be faced daily include discrimination during hiring, promotion, or layoffs, the exclusion of certain individuals during the recruitment process, as well as denying certain employees benefits or compensation.
What Can Be Done about Workplace Discrimination?
One way to resolve workplace discrimination or employment disputes is to use workplace mediation to resolve issues. Employment disputes can be a result of a variety of different contexts. For example, it can be on the side of the employer or the employee.
Workplace mediation is a procedure for resolving all types of legal disputes, including workplace discrimination. During this process, both sides will work jointly to resolve their issues with the help of a skilled mediator. Experienced mediators are available to both employers and employees.
Benefits of Workplace Mediation
Independent third-party workplace mediation has a variety of benefits, including confidentiality, respect, efficiency, affordability, and control of the outcome. Best of all, it is entirely voluntary.
For example, the mediation process is entirely confidential, allowing both parties to communicate freely without repercussions. Communication improves as well, as both parties use this ability to speak their minds in a safe space, often leading to a mutual decision. A final say over the outcome allows both parties to feel in control.
Besides, parties are treated with respect, and disputes are often resolved much more quickly than in the court system. Workplace mediation is also much more affordable and cost-effective than a lengthy court battle. Court cases are notorious for their legal costs as well as their time.
John F. Doak Employment Law Attorney has extensive experience in mediating employment claims in the state of Illinois and Northern District of Iowa, in addition to expertise in the Seventh Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals. In addition to mediation, Doak also focuses on employment law, civil litigation, and wrongful termination.
If you have already made a decision and you are ready to choose John F. Doak Employment Law Attorney, give us a call at (309) 797-3000 or contact us online via our handy message form.
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